To: All Homeowners / Residents / Renters
Date: March 23, 2020
Subject: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
As the situation around novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, we wanted you to know the actions we are taking here at Landmark Company to help control the spread of the virus. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has issued an emergency order, the “Safer at Home” directive, and with that the following Landmark policies remain in effect and have been extended until at least April 24th:
The Landmark business office in Eau Claire remains closed to walk in traffic. You can pay your rent or homeowners fees by mailing your payment to P.O. Box 720, Eau Claire, WI 54702, or by depositing your rent in the drop box outside our offices. You can also pay online at, but if you have not already done so, please call our offices to set up your online account.
Staff will continue to clean common areas and perform emergency maintenance, but non-essential maintenance calls are not being performed. When requesting maintenance, please let us know if someone in your residence is sick, especially if they are experiencing a fever, chills or shortness of breath. We also ask that you not be in the room where Landmark staff is performing their work to maintain social distancing for both your protection and theirs. Remember, the CDC advises that we all remain six feet apart to slow the spread of the virus.
Leases and related tenant certification paperwork should be returned to our offices by mail addressed to P.O. Box 720, Eau Claire, WI 54702, or email as instructed by your rental agent.
There is no “rent holiday.” Rent remains due as provided in your lease. If you have been laid off or experienced financial difficulties because of the pandemic, contact the office to discuss this with your property manager.
Landmark personnel who are or may become sick have been instructed to stay home and others will be working from home more during this period.
Sources of Information and Assistance:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is your best source of information at If you are concerned that you are ill, you should remain at home and contact your health care provider. These health care websites are also good sources of information. We apologize for the inconvenience of these actions, but we believe we must do our part to keep our communities safe.